Anything I write on this website is property of the public domain.

Actions based on principle are revolutionary in nature and change people, places and events. - Emerson

We are born the most dependent creatures on earth.  The first lesson we learn in life, at birth, is that none of our needs will be met unless others care for us and about us.  We can’t possibly survive alone.

I picture a plain in the mid-west.  From the trail in the prairie grass you can see that a wagon train has just been through.  You can see the last wagon disappearing over the far horizon.  In the foreground is a child left behind, alone because no one cared enough to insure that it was aboard one of the wagons.  Our worst fear is to feel that nobody cares and that there is nothing we can do about it.  This child will be feeling that; “There is danger!  I don’t know what to do, and no one cares.”  Leave a child alone for too long and it will start sending out locater signals; “I’m over here!  I’m over here!  Take care of me!”

When people try to make us feel shame, this is the way they want us to feel.  Our Wholeness Sentry will see this lack of caring as a threat to our survival or wholeness.

The antidote to shame: To have a home-group or core-group made up of friends who actively care about us, in spite of, or because of, the fact that they know everything that there is to know about us.  And, we have no fear of discussing any truth with them.