Anything I write on this website is property of the public domain.

Actions based on principle are revolutionary in nature and change people, places and events. - Emerson

To Participate in the revelation of implicit or universal Truth, Caring,

and morale responsibility is my life’s mission.


          Upon being born, the first thing we learn from our experience is that our needs are met only when someone cares for us.  This is the most fundamental imprinting in our psyche (Limbic System); it will constantly affect us for the rest of our lives.  Our most strongly felt survival need is to feel that we are among people who care for us.  If the people around us don't care, we are in danger.

        Human beings are caring (emotional) creatures first and rational only as needed to achieve the things that we care about.

We have three fundamental survival needs in a specific hierarchy:

1st   We need to feel that there are others who cared about us.
2nd   We need to learn how to take care of ourselves.
3rd   We need to learn how to take care of others and help them become self-effectual.

                        or to

1st  Feel save because others care.
2nd  Feel safe because we are competent (self-effectual)
3rd   Feel valued because others know we care about them.

(Next; making the transition from a fundamental assumption of a scarcity of caring to an assumption of abundance - The only path to world peace.)


I need a lot of help.  For at least a half a decade, I have wanted to write my beliefs and share them on this website.  The problem is that I don’t know how to structure a decent paragraph much less a whole document.  I have gathered together some of my various attempts I have made in the past and dumped them in the folder called “1st draft.”  I would be really grateful if someone could copy that folder, rewrite the information into a coherent document and email me a copy in Word format so I could share it on this web site.  

Once my beliefs are clearly stated on this web site, I would like to engage in email dialogue others about these ideas.  I would appriciate any and all suggestions, comments, requests for clarification, etc.

I am 75yrs. old.  Due to serious emotional abuse as a child, I chose to withdraw.  I didn’t much trust anyone and decided that I had to think things through for myself.  I was blessed with a ok IQ.  One result is that my thinking has been independent of mainstream thinking.  Another result is that I have acquired very little experience communicating orally or in writing.  Several years ago I took an English placement test at the local junior college and was I would have to take two bone-head English classes before I could take Freshman English.  (I have about 80 units of college credit.)  I don’t have time or desire to go back to school and get a degree in English.  I would like to be able to outline the things that I do believe and then figure out how to better and better say those things.

(A work in progress) - These ideas I will never be ready for prime time without a lot of dialogue with other thinking, caring people.  How about a little dialogue via email?